Conclusion of the Productivity Awareness Survey

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 Image result for surveyThe foregoing analysis shows a varying degree of awareness on productivity issues among stakeholders in the different sectors/ industries covered in the study. 
3.1 Awareness on the concept of productivity differed by industrial sectors with establishments in the manufacturing and commercial sectors displaying a greater degree of understanding than their counterparts in the Transport, Agriculture and Construction sectors.
3.2 Most establishments made an effort to measure productivity although they used varying methods such as turnover per employee, revenue over total cost, output per machine hours, sales per employee, and material usage efficiency depending on the sector/ industry.
3.3 Training of personel was the msot popular method used by firms in a bid to boost productivity levels ahead of other measures such as performance related remuneration or intrduction of new technologies.
3.4 The stakeholders cited obsolete machinery as the main constraint to increasing productivity apart from other issues such as liquidity/cash challenges, infra structural challenges and power shortages.
3.5 The majority of the establishments were of the view that productivity indexed wages where the way to go although sectors such as retail and transport indicated that they had challenges in measuring individual output performance. 


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