Minimum Wage Series: Part 3

>>thank you for stopping by and please do not forget to leave a comment... Minimum wage and economic development A very tight minimum wage makes the disposable income of employees constrained but if it is raised it increases raise the earnings and contribute to higher marginal propensity to consume an additional dollar of income than firm owners or low-skilled workers who lose their jobs. Thus, minimum wage increases will result in higher economic growth. Simple correlational evidence on the relationship between minimum wage increases and GDP is not dispositive. An increase of minimum wage led to economic growth in boom periods but the opposite during recession as corroborated by experiences in US. Is Minimum wage -curse or blessing? Pros of minimum wage hikes Minimum wage increases are more likely to deliver income gains to low-skilled workers during peaks rather than troughs in the business cycle. Increases in the minimum wage may stimulate macroeconomic gro...